Thursday, March 13, 2008

Breast Part 5

So I fianlly made my appt to go see the plastic surgeon. I have had the referal since the end of January but I had been debating it because I was worried that matt would not like it. Plus I am worried about the scares. So we shall see what the doctor says. I go april 9 at 11 am.


Brandi said...

COOL!!! Let me know how it goes, dude!

Jessica said...

I will. I am excited to get it done. I need it.

Brandi said...

Yeah you do. When you're boobs hurt your neck and back you know they are trying to take over the world. It's time to cut those suckers down, LOL

Jessica said...

Yeah and the doctor I saw last week when I went for my cardiologsts appt said that my huge chest might being pulling down on my heart area which could be more pain then I need. But i SEE THAT doctor on the april 1 at 345 so we shall see.

Brandi said...

Hmmm. Interesting, but they might just be right. Funny how when we're growing up all we want is big boobs, but once they're big all we want is to be a little bit flat again, huh?