So insted of looking at the next few months as months I am looking at them as weeks because it seems shorter that way.
There are a few more weeks until I will be done with this semseter. The first week of may is finals and I will be so glad when this semseter is over. Carrying 18 hours plus taking care of my kids on top of my honey being deployed as been rough but I am doing good juggling it all.
Then it will be a few more weeks after this that it will be my oldest 5th birthday. I can not believe she will be 5. It is totally nuts.
Then sometime after that my honey will be home sometime in June for 18 days of R&r and I am so looking forward to this yet i am sad because I know he has to leave to go back which makes me sad.
This also means that I have roughly 13 weeks to get the last stubborn 13 pounds off. It has been so hard to get it off but now I am back in the gym since my school work has slowed down some. We shall see if I can get down to 150 by June.
Good luck babe! You totally deserve this.
I think I do but I feel like I am doing somethign wrong while matt is in Iraq I am just going to school. It sucks.
Just because you aren't being shot at doesn't mean that you don't give enough for your family. You go to school even though it's stressful and hassling for you. You raise your kids even though any mother that's honest can admit that it's not always easy. You give plenty, and the fact that you both give in different ways is what makes a strong family. If you both did the same thing, or even if you could switch places, your family wouldn't even be close to what it is now.
I know I just feel bad because he is suck over there and I am not. Just having a low day
Chin up, honey. It'll be alright soon. At least for a minute when he's there, make sure to enjoy it to the fullest, even if all he does when he's home is rejoice in being able to sleep safely. Look in on him and be glad to have even if it's just for a minute. He'll be gone again, but you have to trust your husband to come home. He loves you too much to have it any other way.
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