Thursday, July 31, 2008

My new favorite food

So latley I have been on a fruit kick but there are only 2 fruits that I am craving like all the time. The first one I have been tearing up is blueberries. The funny thing though is that I hate blueberries but latley they have been so good.

The second thing I hve been eating like crazy is clementines. I saw a ad for some on friday and went to the store yesterday and bought a bag. Well I went bck tody and bougth 2 more bags of clementine.s They are yummy. In the last 2 days I have had 10 of these. I figure it is better that I eat these instead of ice cream.


Brandi said...

That's so funny that I checked this and find you going nuts on some Clementines, LOL ... At this moment I'm sitting at Fiance's mom's house (again), and the Prince is sitting here with his girl"friend, and they've gone through a bunch of them just since we've been here.

Jessica said...

today I did not eat any but I will tear soem up