Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Kindergarten here we come!!

So tonight was Kylie's orientation at her school. All week Kylie had been saying she did not want to go to school. I just told her too bad you have to go.lol

Well After sitting Thur 30 minutes of crap about school uniforms(yes we wear them), lunches and the other garbage we finally got to meet her teacher. Her Teacher Mrs. Thibeaux is great. Her nick name is Mrs T-bo and she is a has a great attitude towards the kids and her job.. She is totally into keeping the kids involved and motivated. Very bright and bubbly you can tell she loves her job. I am hoping for a great year.

Kylie loves her too. We got home and I got her in bed and she cried because she is not able to go to school until Monday said she wants to go now. So excited

There is only one worry. They have to take a test to pass into 1st grade but they have to pass Math and Reading with 70%. They don't take the test until the spring. I know I am worrying about nothing but still.


Brandi said...

I don't think that you are worried about "nothing". This is a big issue now, because our kids are expected to do so much more before they can even get into the first grade. Remember when we were inKindergarten? The things you had to do in order to pass were these:

1. Play nice.
2. Color in the lines.
3. Sing the ABC's (which they are not allowed to do anymore).
4. Know colors.
5. Know shapes.

How screwed up is it that the system says that's not good enough anymore? They have to work so much harder ... but they are doing it. Don't worry too much ... she will be great and do an awesome job. Just help her practice at home, and make sure she does her homework.

(Imagine that ... homework in Kindergarten.)

Jessica said...

Yeah they have to be ble to name body parts which sounds easy but they learn the scientfific names. That is how they have to identify them. Yeah they even are graded on a few item things which is sad because 5 years old should nto have to stress about this but they do.