Sunday, May 6, 2007


Last Night I had a dream that Matt had come home from Iraq. The dream was so real that I could almost feel him next to me in bed. In the dream Matt came hoem but he was so different THAT it was almost scary. I know that happens to most guys who go over there. They leave as one person and come back a completely different person because of what they have seen. I am praying taht matt does not come back different because I would be afraid that he will start to become abusive because that is what usually happens.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

He may come back different, in fact I am almost sure in my heart that he will be different. But not like that. He's going to come back happy to see you and more in love with his family than ever. So don't worry until it's time. I think the abuse concept was just in your mind because of me talking so much about Dana. Try to be calm and wait for him. The only way to know him when he comes home is to see him and hang out with him again...