Tuesday, July 31, 2007


So last night after my family walk my husband and I were both tired. We both are tryign to lose weight but he is not willing to eat veggies so I figure him walking 2.2 milkes around a hilly golf course pushing 2 kids would help him lose weight( He pushed about 70 pounds) And it did he lost 2.5 lbs. I am trying to keep him motivaited for both of are lives. Also he was surprised to see that I could run soem of the golf course with out being out of breath. Woo Hoo go me.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

That's so awesome, I'm really proud of you, Jess. I'm glad he's trying to lose weight the healthy way this time, and that he's learning from you. Maybe someday you'll even get a carrot or something in him ...