Saturday, August 18, 2007

New Dog

So we bought a new dog today. It is a shorthair chiuahua and he is so cute. We named him bear and he is great. HE IS not too sure of my kids but we figure he will get over it. Also are other dog mollie does not like him but if we have to get rid of mollie we will give him to family. Other than that it has been a busy weekend.


Brandi said...

Glad you're liking the new dog ... give Mollie some time, and I'm sure the two will get to know each other and be just fine. What's Matt think of Bear and Mollie not getting along?

Jessica said...

He thinks if they donm'y get along we will give mollie to his parnets but they are doing better. mollie sucked his weenie and bear humped mollie so all is good in dog world. Now if we gcould only get kylie to leave bear alone for 5 minutes. He is afraid of kylie. Runs whenever she come his way.