Friday, August 3, 2007

Somewhat Better

So i finally saw my weighte go down some so that was noce but I broke my scale today so i BOUGHT A NEW one that does my weight from .1lb increment instead of .5 lb increaments. So we shall see how it goes. Unfortunaly I did not walk.

Things have gotten soemwhat better since yesterday when we were able to talk abotu some things that have been better.

Also my TOM started so no more stress about that and tahnak god it started.


Brandi said...

I"m glad you're weight started moving again, I can totally get the frustration that comes with having nothing show for a while (yeah, like almost 15 months - that's what my "plateau" was before I started my meds) ... so I'm glad you're seeing some results, LOL

And with Matt? I'm glad that's getting better too. You guys have been through so much, too much to let this take you down.

And as for TOM? You can't see me, but you'd laugh till you cried if you could see me, LOL ... because I have just sat back down after jumping out of my chair and saying, "YEAH!"

As if I had anything to do with it, LOL ...

Brandi said...

I just realized that I typed "you're" instead of "your" I'm such a dork.

Jessica said...

Yeah it was movingagain and then on staurday we went out to dinner and a movie and i ATE NACHOS AND MY STOMACH DID LIKE ME SO i GAIned a pound back but yesterday i was sick and today I mange dto drop 2 pounds so we shall see if I cna keep it up.

Yeah we are trying but it is hard with kids and life.,

Yeah I was happy that it started but I think I would have been ok with a new baby.