Thursday, October 20, 2011

Debt Update

SO since my last post we have been working hard to pay down some of our debt and build up our savings. However life got in the way of our savings account and it currently at 1500. While this is good to have a small cushion I really wish we had more. However as my husband says I could have a million dollars and would still be very worried about my money. LOL

As for our debt we were able to had some extra money to each payment however with Christmas approaching some of the extra payments will have to be pulled back so we can afford christmas with out debt.

Here is out current debt

Braces-paid off-however we owe 30 dollars for the retainer
capital one 1671.15- we are paying 50 a month.
ge money-1222.78 we are paying 83 with no interest
car-9636.47-we deferred this for two months to get caught up

Ge money- paid off
capital one- 3449.59- paying 100
truck-8575.10-we deferred for 2 months
best buy-1254.41- paying 50 with no interest.

In December we are hoping to get a payment from the city for my husband jobs and if we do will use that money to get christmas plus add to savings. If we don't we will have to pull some money from savings for christmas. We will be able to rebound in January and get the savings back up and get the debt paid down.

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