Monday, April 30, 2012

Debt Snowflake Month 2

So I have decided to update monthly regarding my debt pay off. I have hit a few road bumps and had to add some debt back on my credit card however I am stil praying that I can have a good bit of the debt paid down by October. I am also hoping to start putting money aside. As I mentioned my debt pay off was not the best however I am still working on paying more than the miniumum

Capital one =3985(March), 3999(April)= + 14

AMMCO = 500(March), April ( 375)= -125

Rooms to Go = 1634(March), 1510 (April) = -124

Best Buy = 1315(March), 1319 (April) = + 4

USAA =8760(March), 8302 (April) = -458

Persoanl Loan 1000

March Debt= 17194  April = 16505, Percetnage of Debt paid = 689 (-4%)

I will have antoher update at the end of  May


Melissa said...

Good work! As long as the numbers are trending downward, you are making great progress. And you paid off several hundred dollars this month!

Melissa said...

Good work! You are trending downward, which is always a good thing, especially several hundred dollars down.