Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My babies!!!

I was lookign through some of my past post and can't believe that I have not talked about my girls on here.  So I am going to talk about my babies some!!

This above is Kylie. She is nine years old and let me tell you she is all girl. She loves to sing and is currently in the choir at school. She loves to read, cook and paint. She tells me that she wants to be an artist when she grows up.

This is my Maddison. She is age 6. She got her beautiful red hair from her dad but she hates it because people comment on it.  Maddison likes to read and ride her bike. Maddison wants to be in cheerleading but I am a little hestiant too but I think next year she will. Maddison wants to be a teahcer, a cop or a social worker. She has some time to figure it out!!

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